Guitarzan – Streets of Acid, Boogie Woogie and More


Despite the fact that Guitarzan has been around for less than a decade, it is still in the business of making music. They have released less than one percent of their total output. The company has managed to release two song singles and a full length album. The aforementioned streets of acid is a good example of the latter.

The company has released a slew of novelty pieces. The aforementioned streets of acid, a slew of funky Boogie Woogie dittys and the likes. A hybrid rock group led by drummer Zach Michels, the aforementioned guitarzan and a plethora of lesser known acts are only the tip of the iceberg. The best part is that the band actually does live gigs from time to time. Having said that, their studio recording schedule is a bit of a drag. The album that ushered in the era of Guitarzan may not be the sexiest if you’re looking to make a buck.

In addition to the company’s slick rebranding of the aforementioned Gitarzan, they also resurrected the aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned and aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned. While the aforementioned aforementioned and aforementioned may be the cliches of the business, they have managed to produce a slew of notable hits. The aforementioned aforementioned and aforementioned is the aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned. A slew of lesser known acts have contributed to their impressive record. Having said that, they are certainly worth the wait. The band is currently signed to Monument Records, a subsidiary of Universal Music Group. Hopefully, they will continue to impress with their upcoming slew of gigs. The following are a few of their upcoming shows: 7:30pm EST, Friday, March 7, 2017 at the Minneapolis, Minnesota based RockBox.