Guitar tablature is nothing but a way of writing music notes on the guitar, using symbols and numbers to indicate different parts of the guitar neck. The most commonly used musical symbols are the ones associated with the major scale. Tabs also have numbers printed underneath them for easier reading. It should be remembered that guitar tabs refer to both the written symbols and the numbers and not to the actual guitar string. Guitar tablature is more commonly used by rock guitarists who learn how to play by playing along an audio track or just read music note by note. Guitar tablature has also been a source of inspiration for many guitarists over the years.
The musical symbols and numbers found on guitar tabs are divided into six horizontal lines. These indicate the fret position starting from the first note, which is the topmost string. At the same position there are two vertical lines, the one on the right side indicates the sixth string, and the one on the left side indicates the thirteenth string. From this position on the guitar, all notes will be strumming in the following order, starting from the first note, up to the last note, again starting from the topmost string. This sequence does not only happen in the major scale, but it happens in all the major scales, providing a general method of playing guitar tabs.
There are two ways of interpreting guitar tablature. In one method, the numbers and symbols are directly translated into the strings, so if you know the names of the guitar strings, you can play them by looking at the illustration. The other way is a bit more complicated, because notes are shown as separate blocks, each block composed of one or more horizontal lines. By learning this way of interpreting the guitar tablature, you can easily memorize the guitar tablature and determine the guitar strings immediately when you see a particular symbol. This way of interpreting guitar tablature also provides the guitar player with a quick guide for new players.
Basically, the first number corresponds to the first string, the second number to the second string, the third number to the third string, and so on. So a complete guitar tablature would consist of lines that cross over each other, which would represent the different strings. For example, a complete barre chord, or a minor barre chord, would be represented by one line, the d string on the next line, the e string on the next line, etc.
Many guitar tablatures are written in Roman Numerals, or APR. This method is used for very simple notes and chords. The notation usually starts with a lower case g, which represents the first note, an upper case r, which represents the second note, the third, the fourth and so on. If the tab includes two lines, one for each string, it will be written as follows: g (first), a (second), g (third), r (fourth), o (fifth), a (sixth) o (seventh). If there is only one line for the first four notes, it is written as follows: e, d, f, g, o, t.
Guitar tablature can be used for playing popular music or difficult songs quickly and easily. For this, you must first learn music notation properly. This involves studying musical notation properly, and memorizing its structure. Then you must study guitar tablature, so that you understand its purpose. Finally, you must use it correctly for playing in various situations, so that you can play a song confidently.